segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2008

The storm is comming,
but I don't mind.
People are dying,
I close my blinds.

All that I know is I'm breathing now.

I want to change the world...
Instead I sleep.
I want to believe in more,
Than you and me.

But all that I know is I'm breathing.
All that I can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.

But all that I know is I'm breathing.
All that I can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.

All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing now.
Simplesmente porque há músicas que têm tudo a ver connosco, comigo, pelo menos em determinada altura. Ouvi-las é como ouvir-me a mim própria, como se aquelas palavras fossem as minhas, sentindo-me, por momentos, a flutuar acima de mim própria. Estranho... não é?

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